DAI★SHI Rocklist

Monday, April 18, 2011

WTF Question.

In the middle of chit chat :

Me :    (say something about band/live perform/whatever related to music)
Xyz :  eh? masih main musik?
Me :    iya, masih ko.
Xyz :  oh masih toh, sangkain udah ngga., 
           si Pqr udh ngga lho, sekarang dia sibuk bla bla bla
Me :    ...

that's what i called the WTF Question.

Bagi sebagian orang, bermain musik adalah hobi, pengisi waktu luang, atau mungkin hal yang tidak berguna? tidak buat saya, musik adalah suatu semangat, sesuatu yang selalu membuat saya merasa hidup. Lagipula, apa salah memilih dan memahami jalan tersebut? it's my life tho? apakah semua orang harus diseragamkan? apa hidup saya harus sama dengan jalan hidup Pqr?
it's for you to find the answer.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Advices from Ola

I'm copy pasting this words from Ola (www.olaenglund.com), really work for me.. and maybe for you.
5. Are there any advice you can give for pursuing this career?

Just never stop, eventually people will start to recognize your work and start appreciate your effort.
Also another tip, be humble to every musician/band you meet. If you play a gig with some support acts I always try to watch them all
and also tell them how great they were. Even if they sucked I will still tell them they did a great job, for them that means a lot and will boost their confidence. To many bands and band members are stuck up egocentric people, IT’S NOT A FRICKING COMPETITION!!! 

7. What is a typical career path for the music industry?
Listen to the music you like, transcribe the music and learn to play it by ear. Record a kick ass demo, find equally awesome band members, work your ass off TOGETHER, having one guy doing everything wont get you anywhere. Take every fucking gig you can. Record a cd, take some pro-photos. The more complete package you can deliver to a record company, the more they will be interested.

(Ola Englund, http://www.olaenglund.com/)