DAI★SHI Rocklist

Monday, April 18, 2011

WTF Question.

In the middle of chit chat :

Me :    (say something about band/live perform/whatever related to music)
Xyz :  eh? masih main musik?
Me :    iya, masih ko.
Xyz :  oh masih toh, sangkain udah ngga., 
           si Pqr udh ngga lho, sekarang dia sibuk bla bla bla
Me :    ...

that's what i called the WTF Question.

Bagi sebagian orang, bermain musik adalah hobi, pengisi waktu luang, atau mungkin hal yang tidak berguna? tidak buat saya, musik adalah suatu semangat, sesuatu yang selalu membuat saya merasa hidup. Lagipula, apa salah memilih dan memahami jalan tersebut? it's my life tho? apakah semua orang harus diseragamkan? apa hidup saya harus sama dengan jalan hidup Pqr?
it's for you to find the answer.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Advices from Ola

I'm copy pasting this words from Ola (www.olaenglund.com), really work for me.. and maybe for you.
5. Are there any advice you can give for pursuing this career?

Just never stop, eventually people will start to recognize your work and start appreciate your effort.
Also another tip, be humble to every musician/band you meet. If you play a gig with some support acts I always try to watch them all
and also tell them how great they were. Even if they sucked I will still tell them they did a great job, for them that means a lot and will boost their confidence. To many bands and band members are stuck up egocentric people, IT’S NOT A FRICKING COMPETITION!!! 

7. What is a typical career path for the music industry?
Listen to the music you like, transcribe the music and learn to play it by ear. Record a kick ass demo, find equally awesome band members, work your ass off TOGETHER, having one guy doing everything wont get you anywhere. Take every fucking gig you can. Record a cd, take some pro-photos. The more complete package you can deliver to a record company, the more they will be interested.

(Ola Englund, http://www.olaenglund.com/) 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


amat cepat waktu berjalan, perasaan umur 23 yang berat itu baru saja dialami.
tp tiba2 umur 24 lewat begitu saja.
banyak yang sudah dilalui pastinya, namun tetap saja merasa belum melakukan "sesuatu".
do you feel the same?

kayaknya social media ini benar2 jadi tempat mencurahkan pikiran ya?
malah terkadang perasaan sampai hal yang tidak perlu.
seperti emosi tweeter (orang yang melakukan tweet) "dibuang" ke sana.
hilang dari dunia nyata yang menurutku seharusnya amat ekspresif.
ah ya, masih soal 25.
kemarin salah satu orang yang ku follow "memuntahkan" semua pikirannya.
ya, benar.
bisa dibilang curhat.
nampaknya dia ingin followernya merasakan kondisi yang ia alami.
atau hanya sekedar mencari simpati?
entahlah, terserah dia.

ya, nampaknya ia sedang amat galau.
dan mengasihani diri sendiri.

itu yang ku rasakan.
personally, ku sangat membenci orang yang mengasihani dirinya sendiri.

banyak masukan yang kuberikan.
tapi nampaknya tidak ada yang membuatnya lebih baik.
hey, siapa yang peduli?
namun, aku mengalami hal yang sama.
mungkin lebih parah.
karena itulah aku me-reply untuk memberi masukan agar memiliki spirit yang sama.
tapi nampaknya sia2.

Die trying.
kata2 ini selalu kutanamkan di dalam benak.
ya, sukses itu tidak mudah kawan.
jalannya amat rusak.
dan selalu banyak pertanda yang mendukung kita untuk menyerah.

You are what you think.
berhati-hatilah dengan keinginan, dan apa yang kamu pikirkan kawan.
kamu akan gagal saat berpikir akan gagal.
vice versa.

Start from your bed.
Start from your head.
Stay sharp.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

AMT Electronics R1 Walkthrough

Hey fellas!!

another day another month another post.
well yeah, one more : another video post.

Err i am not a guitarist, but i'm pretty interest about guitar., well yeah i love stomp box too, collectible & so much fun XD (yeah call me weirdo).
uh this post getting bored.

yeah and so on, i met AMT electronics pedal in youtube., they kinda rare in Indonesia last year, but hey. i found they had distributor in Indonesia (well, like i said that time this pedal kinda rare) he only has like twenty something pedals to sell (but he's running his business well, now he's exclusive distributor for Indonesia & Malay).
And again, because of my illness (GAS), i bought one. AMT Legend Amp B1 that simulate Sharp channel of a Bogner amp (yea, Bogner dude!), and yes it REALLY GREAT pedal! although i never tried Bogner amps (well, they sickly-expensive. i mean REALLY expensive, expensive), this pedal sounded really SICK! 
It made my illness go crazy until i bought another Legend Amp pedal, the MESA Boogie Triple Rectifier (i'm a fan of MESA btw) simulator, AMT Legend Amp R1. 
I've tried many MESA simulator pedals, but i think this pedal is the best one! (but i hope this pedal has more gain like B1)

Ah ok, enough for blah blah blah., i made 4 videos for AMT R1 Pedal, and B1 too (but yea again, i'm soooo lazy, it'll catch up later).

videos' note :

Please watch in 720p for better sound quality.

Don't mind about the playing, this video is for sound testing purpose. sorry for the sloppy playing.

signal path on this video :

Epiphone Les Paul Standard (w/ Ganee - Math pickup set) ----- AMT R-1 (cab. sim out) ----- Apogee Duet ----- DAW

audio rendered WITHOUT ANY post processing.

PART 1 :

PART 2 :

PART 3 :

PART 4 : (Later ;p )

see you next post!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sound test : Ganee Pickups

Hi all!

like i said in my last flake, i'll do gear review or sound sample or walkthrough or whatever-you-called-this-sh*t post.

ok then, my first victim is Ganee Pickups.
this good-great guy made me such a sick pickup set.
well, since i'm kinda tone-freak guy. i'll do custom.
did you believe me? don't. haha

basically i'm kinda unsatisfied with Seymour duncan's SH-4JB pickup, in my pursuit for this pickup replacement i met Bareknuckle's Aftermath Pickups set, which is so tone-sickly beautiful! but they so god damn expensive.
then i met Ganee (yeah i skip all those story about how i met him, it'll make this blog a boring novel), and request pickups with the tone that i really want.

a month of waiting and.. BAM!
here we go, Ganee-math Pickups!

oh btw, that dude in this video is DAI★SHI's (my band, i've told you right?) Guitarist, Dowe.

video notes :

Please watch in 720p for better sound quality.
Don't mind about the playing, this video is for sound testing purpose. sorry for the sloppy playing.

r) is Indonesian Custom Shop Pickups

Signal chain : Epiphone Les Paul Standard w/ Ganee Pickups ---- AMT Electronics Legend Amp B1 (cabinet out / bypass for clean) ---- Apogee Duet ---- DAW

all sounds rendered without ANY post processing
all songs in this video belongs to DAI★SHI (Fade, Cyclone, Fearless)


whoa it's been a long-time-no-see :D

yeah i'm kinda busy with this blah and that blah blah (oops, not such a good excuse)
ok, fine i'm just a lazy dude.

well, i think, since i'm a part time musician and i have some kind of mental disorder called GAS (Gear acquisition Syndrome) and internet addiction, why i didn't post some kind of gear review?
great idea huh?
not really, many people did it. i'm just a follower.
but yea maybe i'll do it my way to make it different (that's what creative people do, right?)

hmm ok, i hope it'll help for all of you, my asylum's visitor.
see you next post!